Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Balancing The Chakras

Intro to the Chakra System

The Chakras are the body’s major energy centers. They allow you- your body and mind to function in harmony, or disharmony, with life. There are seven main energy centers located in the center of the body. This starts at the base of the spine and travels up to the top of the head. The chakras each govern a different aspect of our ‘self’. Everything from who we are, how we think, the way our body functions physically, and how we present ourselves to the world. To give an example, the throat chakra (5th chakra) mainly has to do with communication and the way we use our voice to communicate with others. 

But even while each chakra is responsible for different parts of the self, the chakras work together to form a complete holistic system. They all connect with each other and work together freely when in a natural healthy state. The first three chakras have to do intimately with ones self. This is how a person thinks and feels about themselves and their life. The upper four chakras have to do with the outside world- your relationships, and your connection to the outside world. 

The word chakra means wheel in Sanskrit, as chakras are round and move in a circular motion. Each also has a particular color and sound associated with it. A particular chakra can be overactive or underactive, which will produce a different set of mental dis-eases. If a chakra is out of balance, knowledge of the color and sound of this chakra can be used to bring it back into balance. There are also many other tools we can use to bring our chakras into harmony, such as mediation, yoga, carrying stones that resonate with particular chakras, and affirmations. Most people today have chakra systems that could use a little- or a lot! - of TLC. This is just a result of our culture, the high demands made of us, and state of the world today.    

In the following series we will discuss in detail each chakra, its governing purposes, and how to best take care of this aspect of yourself so you can be your best self!