Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra

Location- The heart area in the center of the chest!

Function- This chakra governs all types of love- including self love, romantic love, love of friends and family, and loving life! This chakra has ITS OWN INTELLIGENCE- how awesome is that?!  We would be wise to listen to it, provided that we are not allowing ourselves to be hurt or disrespected in the process. The goal here is to balance and harmonize your mind and heart. Issues do arise when we get hurt and shut it down or have to make choices that conflict with what your heart wants. Maybe it’s not always ideal to make decisions based off of what your heart wants but it IS important that we can still honor the wisdom or love that we feel by acknowledging it and respecting it, instead of shutting the chakra down as we make decisions.

Overactive Symptoms- When this chakra is overactive we might be pushovers, not respecting our own needs and boundaries

Underactive Symptoms- When this chakra is underactive, we can act cold towards others and be motivated by a selfishness that is not honoring yourself or others!

Ways to Balance the Heart Chakra:

Color- Green and Pink

Stones- Chrysocolla, Aventurine, Emerald, Green Kyanite, Jade, Periodot, Rose Quartz, Green Quartz   

Element- Air

I am loved
I let love in
I love myself
I AM love
I forgive and let go of those who have hurt me
I freely give and receive love
I listen and respond to my hearts desires

Musical Note- Note ‘F’

Yoga- Camel Pose, Cobra, Bridge

Meditations for the Heart Chakra:

Sound- Yam

Mudra Meditation- Thumb and Pointer finger together at the center of the chest with the other three fingers pointing outward. Chant "Yam" in tandem with the breath for several minutes, or as long as you like! This is so powerful!!