Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra

Location- Two inches below the navel.

Function- The Sacral Chakra is our creative, sexual , and emotional center.  It is here in this chakra that we are connected with our passions, pleasure, feelings and emotions. “It governs the health of the female reproductive organs, the womb, genitals, kidneys, bladder and lower back.”

Ways to Balance the Sacral Chakra:

Color- Orange

Stones- Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Tangerine Quartz, Sunstone, Citrine, Orange Kyanite

Element- Water

Affirmations-    I feel
My feelings are healthy
I acknowledge my uniqueness
I am a unique manifestation of divine energy in physical form.
                        I acknowledge the physicality and sensuality of my body
I am a sensual and creative being
                        I attract only whole and nurturing relationships into my life
                        I embrace life with passion and enjoy plunging into joy and happiness
                        My senses are alive, aware and connected.

Musical Note- Note ‘D’

Meditations for the Sacral Chakra:

Sound- Vam (pronounced “Vahm”)

Mudra-  Form the hand position as shown below. While chanting the sound Vam concentrate on the area of the sacral chakra, which is located two inches below the navel. Do this for 7-10 breaths, chanting the sound several times with each breath.

Music Meditation- Tibetan Singing Bowls in note D!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Root Chakra

The Root Chakra

Location-The root chakra is the first chakra located at the base of the spine. 

Function- *Physical well being and groundedness!!* The root chakra connects us to our bodies and the earth.  Mentally and emotionally, it holds our beliefs and feelings about our safety, survival, and security. It is the foundation of our being, and indeed it is very important to make sure this chakra is balanced before beginning any kind of spiritual healing work or work in general!

Overactive Symptoms- Materialism, Greed, Overly Competitive, Overemphasis on sex

Underactive Symptoms-  Ungroundedness, Insecurity, Lack of Energy, Overly Fearful
Ways to balance The Root Chakra:

Since the root chakra in involved with being grounded in your body and connected with the earth, exercising, moving, and a healthy diet and a good relationship with your surrounding and the earth help tremendously.  Exercising and moving strengthens the connection between your mind and body, and doing things that are good for the body (such as a healthy diet, exercising, yoga, and meditation) aids in having a healthy connection with the root chakra. If you area meat eater, consuming red meat (but not too much!) is very grounding. Brown rice is also a very grounding staple.

Color- Surround yourself with the color red

Stones- You can carry your grounding stones with you. Stones that help you connect with the root chakra are primarily Red and Black in color such as: Garnet, Ruby, Red Jasper, Obsidian, hematite, and black tourmaline. The black stones, obsidian, hematite and black tourmaline have a very heavy grounding energy.

Element- Earth

Affirmations-    I feel deeply rooted.
                        I am grounded to the earth and my body.
I am connected to my body.
I feel safe and secure.
                        I have what I need.
                        I trust in the goodness of life.
                        I make choices that are healthy and good for me.
I trust myself.
I am confident!

Musical Note- “C” note

Yoga – Yoga is a very grounding practice.  Some specific poses include mountain pose, warrior pose, bridge pose and corpse pose. You also may want to explore Kundalini yoga for the root chakra. 

Below is a short yoga practice video for all levels that is centered around all grounding poses.

Meditations the root chakra:

Sound- LAM (pronounced “Lahm”)

Each chakra has a corresponding Sanskrit letter/ sound that will balance the chakra by chanting it. The sound for the root chakra is Lam. Chant it with the corresponding mudra (hand position) as a meditation.

Mudra Meditation- Tips of your thumb and index finger touch. While chanting the sound Lam concentrate on the area of the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine at the perineum. Do this for 7-10 breaths, chanting the sound several times with each breath.

Symbol Meditation- Chant the sound Lam while visualizing a yellow square in the root chakra. Do this for 7-10 breaths, chanting the sound several times with each breath.

Visualization- Imagine and/or feel roots growing out of your feet and tell them to “grow to the depth and vibration that is perfect” for you. Imagine/feel them growing into the earth (they can move with your breath if you like) until you feel that they have done so- you should feel balanced and comfortable and connected to your body and the earth when it is completed.

Music Meditation- Meditating to Tibetan Singing Bowls is a lovely way to balance yourself!

What do you like to do to keep yourself balanced? Post your comments or thoughts below!