Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra

Location- Two inches below the navel.

Function- The Sacral Chakra is our creative, sexual , and emotional center.  It is here in this chakra that we are connected with our passions, pleasure, feelings and emotions. “It governs the health of the female reproductive organs, the womb, genitals, kidneys, bladder and lower back.”

Ways to Balance the Sacral Chakra:

Color- Orange

Stones- Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Tangerine Quartz, Sunstone, Citrine, Orange Kyanite

Element- Water

Affirmations-    I feel
My feelings are healthy
I acknowledge my uniqueness
I am a unique manifestation of divine energy in physical form.
                        I acknowledge the physicality and sensuality of my body
I am a sensual and creative being
                        I attract only whole and nurturing relationships into my life
                        I embrace life with passion and enjoy plunging into joy and happiness
                        My senses are alive, aware and connected.

Musical Note- Note ‘D’

Meditations for the Sacral Chakra:

Sound- Vam (pronounced “Vahm”)

Mudra-  Form the hand position as shown below. While chanting the sound Vam concentrate on the area of the sacral chakra, which is located two inches below the navel. Do this for 7-10 breaths, chanting the sound several times with each breath.

Music Meditation- Tibetan Singing Bowls in note D!

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